About StayReal

Revolutionizing social media through authentic connections and genuine moments.

Our Mission

To revolutionize social media by promoting authentic connections and genuine moments through friend-curated content.

Our Values


We believe in showing real life, unfiltered and honest.


Your security and privacy are our top priorities.


Building meaningful connections that last.

Meet the Visionaries

The team behind StayReal's mission to revolutionize social connections

Ali Ahmad

Ali Ahmad


Ali is the creative force behind StayReal. With a passion for building genuine social experiences, he envisions a platform where friendships thrive without filters, edits, or artificial engagement.

Himanshu Meena

Himanshu Meena

Founder & CEO

Leading StayReal with a bold vision, Himanshu is dedicated to making social media real again. His expertise in product innovation and user experience drives StayReal’s mission to redefine digital friendships.

Get in Touch

Have questions or want to learn more about StayReal? We'd love to hear from you!

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